Tribute to The Strongest

Who is Gojo Satoru?

Gojo Satoru, (Western Order: Satoru Gojo) is the greatest, most stunning, flawless, most handsome, and strongest man in existence. He is the reason I learned HTML and CSS; He is what got me to watch Jujutsu Kaisen; and he is also why I have been in a period of brain rot for 5 months.

And I'm not the only one. Many others the world over can attest to having Gojo fever because he is just that good. When Gojo speaks I sit my ass down and LISTEN! He fucking carries JJK and his presence alone is enough to trend on social media. The man is literally perfect and I love him so much.

He's not even the main character but people have flocked to him regardless. So allow me to elucidate you fine wanderers of the web how this lovely man captured my heart.


Why do I like Gojo Satoru?

His biggest charm to me is his personality. I love cocky and spoiled guys which can be annoying in other circumstances, but his laidback and friendly nature balances it out.

He doesn't need to prove anything because he already knows he's the strongest and just follows his own beat. He's callous, blunt, and brutally honest in a way that makes your eyebrow twitch but I can't help but fall further in love with my blue-eyed king <3.

He was even brattier and cockier when he was younger but certain events led him to be a bit more humbled while still retaining some of that exaggerated swagger of the strongest sorcerer.

He's a great character and definitely worth the hype. He was the biggest highlight of the series objectively. Jujutsu Kaisen wouldn't be what it is now without him.

I feel like he appeals to me deeper than any other character I've known. I usually prefer to ship characters. To be the director rather than an actor, but something about Gojo just ticks all the right boxes!

I guess it's also because he can juggle the coolness, the playfulness, the cockiness, and the mellow charm all in a handsome package. I am also weak to tall guys. Is the author a mind reader?

Thoughts on Gojo Satoru in canon?

So I'm not gonna lie there are a lot of problems I have with JJK.

It feels like a typical Shounen manga but at 3x speed. Not enough time is given to showcase the MANY characters and despite the lengthy and complicated exposition on the power system, the fights (especially later on) tend to devolve into simplified ass-pulls that bring out the "muh plot armor" allegations.

It's funny because the anime tries to alleviate these problems by adding more scenes and extending fights. Which makes the anime a lot better in my opinion. I still enjoy JJK for what it is and it's fun to follow the memes...

#OffscreenKaisen (Chap 251 Spoilers)

But it could've been much better and am mostly left frustrated and not liking the characters as much as I want to. Except for Gojo of course.

Spoilers for JJK up to Chapter 258

So yes, I love Gojo. He carries JJK and I think his past in the Hidden Inventory arc is some of the best writing of the series.

It's a sort of prequel arc that delves into Gojo's time as a Jujutsu student and how most of the conflict of the series began. It's pretty short and JJK already struggles with too many characters with not enough time. Luckily Hidden Inventory only has 4-5 central characters which contributes to the tigher plot.

My hubby Gojo gets ample space to take the stage and boy does he!

This was the arc that cemented my status as his wife and eternal glazer. He is so cute as a cocky up-and-coming sorcerer and rocking those rounded glasses. Is it really any wonder why I fell for him?

He has a near brush with death at the hands of Toji Fushiguro only to come back and reach enlightenment.


Unfortunately, the KFC breakup happened and he would later kill his ex-boybestfriend Geto Suguru. This trauma would motivate him to become stronger and motivate others to change the system that failed Geto. It would also be his biggest downfall as Kenjaku would later use Geto's body to trick Gojo and trap him in the prison realm.

Itadori Yuuji would help free his beloved sensei just in time for Gojo to face off against Sukuna in the battle of the strongest...

...and lose.

I could cope endlessly about how my man should've won. I was genuinely heartbroken when I read the chapter and saw him torn like a fucking kit-kat. I actually went through the grief stages; I didn't even want to continue reading.

However, I ruminated more on my feelings, re-read some chapters, and saw other opinions on the matter and I realized I didn't hate the fact that Gojo died as much as how he died. For two reasons in particular:

  1. It was too abrupt: The main uhh theme? narrative? plot?? The main conflict the protagonist Yuuji and many other characters deal with is their place in Jujutsu society and making a change. It's something that uniquely impacts Gojo. Unlike the others, he's place has been instilled in him since birth; he's the strongest, a literal god among men. He is the pillar of modern jujutsu and has the power to back it up. Yuuji on the other hand is the opposite and I wish we could have had time with the two (or just Gojo, Yuuji, Megumi, and Nobara tbh) to go deeper on these topics. Gojo fucked shit up, got stuck in a box, and came out to instantly die to Sukuna. Smh.

  2. The stakes are gone: This might be a little early to say but I really don't have much faith in the writing and it's more or less confirmed JJK will be ending in 2024.

    Goatjo was the strongest sorcerer by a mile and now that he's afk you expect me to believe any of these guys are gonna kill Sukuna even if his asshole is still loose from the previous fight?

    Lol nah.

    This could've been done better had this been the last battle where Gojo fought alongside everyone and sacrificed himself along the way. But as it stands now I'm starting to side with the ass-pull allegations.

Maybe this is just me coping but I would've been a lot more satisfied if it played out that way. Regardless a very very very VERY small part of me is ok with Gojo dying.

Part of why I find him interesting is the tragedy of his character.

He was lonely at the top of the hierarchy and was forced to kill the only person who was close to understanding him and being his equal. He was taught power mattered above all else, yet he wasn't strong enough to save those he cared about. He urges his students to become stronger not just so they won't have to lose loved ones but also to further his agenda against the cruelty of Jujutsu society.

Despite all the good deeds he accomplished, his main goal as a sorcerer was not the well-being of others, but the thrill of being the strongest and fighting worthy opponents; his own satisfaction.

Gojo Satoru was an arrogant, careless, and selfish man who was as much of a victim of circumstance as other sorcerers were. He respected strength and disregarded the weak and imparted the same harmful belief onto his students just as he was told all his life.

He believed that as a sorcerer all you have is yourself and your power. That in the end you die alone. A very pitiable mindset.

And I miss him every day.

He still gets name-dropped a lot. So I'm still holding out that he's going to come back. (Plz Gege I'll buy every JJK merch in existence). I think there's a chance.

I love you Gojo baby. If Gege doesn't bring you back then I'll bring matters into my hands. I won't let anything keep us apart.

Because throughout heaven and earth, he alone is the honored one.

Alexa play Akari by Soushi Sakiyama.

*Psst press play on the bottom left of the screen*
Akari - Soushi Sakiyama (崎山蒼志)