Tribute to The Strongest

How I View My Relationship to Gojo Satoru

Usually when asked what flavor of fangirl I am (in regards to JP media), I say I'm a fujoshi. I love reading a good yaoi and when I'm not looking at yaoi I'm shipping m/m pairings of other shows I like. This has usually been the full extent tof how I interact with JP media.

But there are exceptions like this one where I want a character to myself. I mean he's so cool I can't help it uwu. And after seeing similar sites to mine I just want to make it clear where I stand with this sort of thing.

As it stands, I'm much more on the casual end of self-shipper and I like to imagine myself as a lowly maiden admiring a handsome statue in a meadow

I come everyday with offerings and decorations to make him feel more at home. Content to sit beside him and dream of what life would be like if he could move and speak.

I won't be calling myself Mrs Gojo and I don't read too many XReader fics with him, but I like to believe that he's mine.

I'd be up for a OC maybe but idk.

Questions and Headcanons

Some of my feelings and interpretations of Gojo. These questions were taken from a Husbando Questionnaire by Vivarism.

  1. Have you ever dreamt about him?

    Kinda. Mostly daydreams.

    I like to imagine us on dates. Particularly at ice-cream parlors or boba cafes uwu.

  2. What are his favourite things?

    Sweets and those he cares about.

    Despite his haughty attitude, I think Gojo is a simple man who likes to go at his own pace with the people he cares about and makes them happy.

  3. What are some things he dislikes/hates?

    Out-of-touch Boomers, Weakness, Spicy stuff??

    He has a laidback personality so it makes sense he dislikes people who go against that or can't keep up.

  4. Are you astrologically compatible?


    I'm not an expert on astrology but based on three tests it seems we can make it work! I tend to be a bit more realistic and grounded which can clash with a powerful free-spirit like my hubby (the test results say this too), but it can work if we communicate and work with our differences.

  5. What are your husbando's love languages?

    Quality Time & Gift Giving

    He's always hovering around the people he cares for when not on missions and he'll always bring back souvenirs!.

  6. What are some things you love about him?


    I said as much on the homepage. I love his attitude, his looks, and his arc. I feel like I can see him for what he is. I love you baby!

  7. What would you write to him in a love letter?

    My number ;)

    and how I've always loved and admired him from afar and to keep being his wonderful self.

  8. Do you share any hobbies/interests?

    Maybe anime.

    Depending on what it is, he might try it with me or make fun of me for it lol.

  9. What would it feel like to hug your husbando?

    Clean and crisp.

    God... it would be perfect. He'd smell like expensive cologne and would feel a bit hard because of the muscles. He's warm and tall enough for me to lay my head on his shoulder.

  10. How would he feel about PDA?

    Likes it.

    He's very affectionate and probably wouldn't careif it's public or not.He might even do it more if he knows you like it.

  11. Do others know you have a husbando?

    Yes, I get memed on all the time.

    Everyone around me know he's mine and will make fun of me with vids and memes all the time. They even send me cute art from time to time.

  12. Opinion on 3DPD?

    Would never say no to a real guy but I wish more of em would take notes.

    Are fictional men better in nearly every metric? Yes, but I think it's for the best I try to snag a real man. There are a lot of decent guys out there. Just not perfect ones...

  13. What's your favourite quote from your husbando?

    The meme one.

  14. Funniest moment with your husbando.

    When he's a little shit in Hidden Inventory.

    But my fave of those is his near fight with Geto

  15. Saddest moment?

    KFC Breakup

    The arc is great. We see Suguru and Satoru as young cocky teens with bright futures, only for it to all crumble down til they breakup in front of a KFC.

    It's the moment where it all went wrong and really illustrates how Jujutsu Kaisen is a tragedy. I cri evry tiem.

  16. Coolest moment?

    His fight in Shibuya

    Feral Gojo is my FAVE and seeing him in this awkward situation that brings out his nasty side is really nice.

    Honestly all his fights are cool but since I prefer the anime in that regard, I'll say Shibuya was his best.

  17. Cutest thing he has ever done?

    Anytime he's around with Yuuji

    I love when he's jovial with his students and usually he's acting extra adorable when he's around Yuuji. Like when he setup Yuji's big reveal or taught him about domain expansion.

  18. Are there any scenes you would change?


    His death His fight with Sukuna. I went into this more on the main page

  19. What scene from before or after canon would you like to see?

    Subject to change.

    Since the manga is still ongoing as of writing I don't want to give too definitive of an answer. Gojo has been explored pretty extensively, but I wish we knew more about what he said to Geto before he died and what plans he had to deal with Geto before then.

  20. Who does your husbando get along with?

    Geto Suguru

    You can argue he gets along with most but I think Geto and his star pupils are the closest to him in a meaningful way.

  21. Does he have any enemies?

    Basically all of Jujutsu Society

    Being the strongest is a blessing and a curse. It's unclear whose really a friend and who isn't sometimes.

  22. Does he have a canon love interest? How do you compare?

    Geto Suguru

    If they weren't in love then how do you explain such a dramatic breakup?

  23. Do you ship your husbando with anyone?

    Geto Suguru. Maybe Shoko too.

    Literally only those two. One is basically canon and the other is a rarepair but those are the only people I care to ship him with.

  24. What's your husbando NOTP?

    Anyone except Geto and Shoko

    Sorry if y'all like other ships with him but it's not my thing.

  25. Are you envious of any of his canon relationships?

    Lil bit

    I wish I could just click with someone like that as he does with Suguru.

  26. How do you feel about your husbando's character arc?

    Best in the series.

    More in depth in the main page, but yep I love it. The best and most consistent development of the series.

  27. What are some of his strengths and weaknesses?

    His strength and his strength

    He's the strongest and sometimes he underestimates situations. More in depth on the main page.

  28. What's a question you want answered about him?

    That thang long ain't it?

    What his ideal type of girl is. (Spoiler: it's me)

  29. Share an interesting canon fact or detail.

    His Six Eyes

    His eyes are so powerful that they can see in ultra-detail even with a blindfold on.

  30. What are some common misconceptions about your husbando?

    His perceived "nobility"

    I think a lot of fans believe Gojo is a lot more selfless and heroic than he actually is. They tend to just focus on how he is with his students without looking at the motivations for this behaviour.

    I don't think he's an irredeamable selfish asshole or anything, but it's made clear that Gojo cares less about doing the right thing and more about his own goals and desires.

  31. How would you describe his outlook on life/personal philosophy?


    I went more in-depth on the main page, but he is a product of his environment and all the warped beliefs and situations it brings.

  32. If he was real, is your husbando the kind of guy you could get along with?


    I think I can stand my own ground and keep up with his antics.

  33. Which official artwork is your favourite?

    The slutty one

  34. Which husbando outfit/form do you like best?


    My fave is his student look in Hidden Inventory Arc and/or during his meeting with the higher ups in JJK 0. Specifically because he wears glasses those times.

    His outfit during the Sukuna fight and his regular teacher outfit are a close second tho.

  35. Does he have merchandise? Do you own any?


    Will post more in the Shelf section once I make it, but for now I have an official figure and two digital zines. Got some more fanmerch on the way too.

  36. Which fan theories about your husbando seem most likely to be true?


    Him coming back.

  37. Do you have any wishes for your husbando's character or source material?


    To answer Geto's question

Akari - Soushi Sakiyama (崎山蒼志)